The project Implementering av persontilpasset vankomycindosering i Helse Nord (Implementation of personalized vancomycin dosing in Helse Nord) has been awarded innovation funding from Helse Nord for 2023. The project is one of eight innovation projects in the region that received funding following Helse Nord's innovation call this spring. The number of applications this spring was record high (29), and this project was the only new innovation project from UNN that was funded.
The allocation from Helse Nord is 1,000,000 NOK distributed over two years.
More information about the allocation can be found in this news article from Helse Nord.
Brief description of the project
Research shows that vancomycin dosing based on area under the curve (AUC) can reduce the incidence of kidney damage in patients. National guidelines do not recommend AUC-based dosing, and currently, there is no routine practice of this in Norway, likely because implementation is challenging. The main goal of this project is to provide personalized AUC-based dosing as decision support to all clinicians in Helse Nord, so that all patients treated with vancomycin in the health region receive the best possible treatment with reduced variability in dosing. In the project, a CE-marked product that utilizes artificial intelligence (Bayesian statistics and machine learning) will be tested for this purpose.
The project is led by Lena Aronsen, who is a clinical pharmacologist at UNN.