Two new SPKI projects have been awarded research funding from Helse Nord for the year 2024.
One of the projects is titled AIMS Norway – Artificial Intelligence in Mammography Screening in Norway, led by Karl Øyvind Mikalsen from SPKI. This project is scheduled to run for three years and has received a total allocation of 4.2 million NOK. AIMS is a collaborative project between UNN, Nordlandssykehuset (NLSH), and Kreftregisteret, with the aim of conducting a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test an AI tool as an integrated part of the screening process. The project is also part of a larger multicenter study managed by Kreftregisteret, involving breast centers in Helse Nord, Midt, and Vest. More information about the project can be found here.
The second project is titled Short- and Long-term Outcomes after Surgical Treatment for Anal Incontinence; Can Outcome be Predicted using Artificial Intelligence? Data from a National Quality Register. This project, led by Stig Norderval, a physician at UNN, is expected to last for four years and will involve hiring a PhD candidate. As the project's name suggests, the goal of the study includes developing AI models to predict the outcomes of surgical treatment for anal incontinence.
More information about the funded projects can be found on the Helse Nord website.