Two projects associated with SPKI got funding from the regional health trust for 2022. In total, the two projects got almost 10 million NOK of the 107 million NOK that were allocated to research projects in Helse Nord in 2022.
In one of the projects, led by Agnethe Eltoft at UNN, the goal is to improve stroke treatment in Northern Norway with the use of artificial intelligence. In this project, a commercial AI tool will be tested in prospective clinical studies. You can read more about the project here.
In the second project, led by Kjersti Mevik at Nordlandssykehuset, the goal is to develop a tool for predicting the risk of postoperative wound infections using artificial intelligence. More information about this project can be found here.
More information about all the projects that got funding from the regional health trust for 2022 can be found on Helse Nord's website (in Norwegian).